Monday, March 28, 2011

Randomness x2

I think I have nearly fogotten how to long has it been anyways?  Since Case has gone down to one nap per day everyday, I haven't made time for blogging.  Instead I have been cleaning, or picking up, or doing laundry, or cooking (imagine that!), or doing whatever else I do besides blogging.  I feel like I should have a lot to write about, but honestly, I can't think of much.

Dane has been fighting a sinus infection for several weeks now.  He is finally starting to feel better.  On the otherhand, Case seems to have picked up Dane's cold and is not feeling well at all.  He has had a rough couple nights and seems to be coughing and/or draining from his nose the better part of the day.  Besides Vicks (nightlight & vapor rub) there isn't too much we can do for him...that is what the Dr. says.  The good thing is we (Dane & I) are experienced now...we think.  We don't freak out when we hear the little guy coughing...we know he will knock this cold too.  We have been thru this same cold many times before.  Still, we hope & pray this sickness leaves our little guy soon so he can be himself again.

On a different note, it occurred to me last night that this is the first week in over a month that I have been by myself with Case at home or otherwise.  We went from a trip to SD, to a trip to IL, to my mom visiting us in KS, to my brother visiting us in KS.  It was great!  Case loves being around other people, particularily his family.  I think Dane's parents will be coming to KS for Easter too...that is coming up soon.  I know Case will love seeing them & spending time with them.

On a more random note, I had the most bizarre thing happen to me a few weeks back.  It wasn't a good thing or a nice thing.  In fact it was actually very unkind, immature, & more than just me.   I will not dwell on it though.  I know myself and my intentions are good. I do not need to explain myself, though initially that is all I wanted to do.  I am leaving the past in the past & moving forward.  I will learn from other peoples mistakes (as well as my own).  Some things are just not worth the time or the trouble.