Friday, December 3, 2010

Look what he's up to now!

Helping Momma Swiffer

Our Little Stud

I thought it would be fun to jot down some of the amazing little things Case has been up to recently, so here it goes...

- Case loves balls.  He especially loves soccer balls.  There is a 95% chance if you give him anything other than a soccer ball he will still kick it.  For example, he kicks his football and his baseball.  In fact, he kicks his sippy cup like a soccer ball too sometimes!  Perhaps we have a future soccer stud on our hands?

- Case used the potty today.  Yes, I am absolutely serious about this.  We were in the kitchen and Case was clearly, how should I say this politely, going #2 .  I asked him if he wanted to go on the potty.  He ran upstairs to the potty and I held him on it.  He tried hard to go, but his real business was already done.  He did however go #1 in the potty :)  And by the way, I would have never thought to introduce him to the potty so early, but he has showed signs of interest lately and he has also clearly shown me AT TIMES that he is making a conscious decision to go potty, so I have decided "why not". 

- Case loves the vacuum.  He has actually always taken an interest in the vacuum, but now he can participate in the process more.  I will say, "Case you want to help Momma vacuum?" and he immediately climbs the steps, runs into the spare room & then stands at the closet pointing.  He knows exactly where the vacuum "lives".  He helps me plug in the vacuum, helps me turn on the vacuum & trots around behind me as I use the vacuum.  He loves when I use the attachments to vacuum the stairs because I will let him put his hand over the attachment and feel the suction.  He is my big helper.

- Case also loves to swiffer.  I have altered the swiffer handle to be his size and he uses it ALL the time.  I have plenty of pics. to prove my point :)

- Case is growing more and more interested in drinking out of a glass than his sippy cup.  If there is a glass of water sitting around and he spots it, he won't drink out of his sippy cup.  He actually does really well with a glass.  I only put a little water in the glass at a time, but he manages to spill very little...unless of course he has decided he has had enough water.  At that point he pours it out and start playing in it!

- Case seems to really like peanut butter.  What a blessing!  I gave him a try the other day just to see if he would eat it and he did.  Apparently I didn't give him enough because he spotted the jar on the island and kept saying "Mo, Mo" (more) and pointing to the PB.  I bet he had just under a tablespoon...and (1) tablespoon alone has 100 calories and 6 grams of fat!  (It's a "healthy fat" the Dr. says.)  Go Case! 

- Case has laughing attacks daily and I absolutely LOVE it!  He has always been a happy baby and has been laughing for many, many months now, but lately it is different.  He literally can't contain his laughs sometimes.  It may just be the most beautiful sound in the world.

- Case loves when we sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".  I do the hand motions and he also tries to do them!  He mostly likes making the itsy bitsy spider climb :)

- Case recently discovered he can fit into one of our bathroom drawers.  He thinks it is just great.  I, on the other hand, am worried the drawer might break.  I don't think I will have to worry for long though, in another month he won't fit...he is growing so fast!!

I am sure that there are many more things I am forgetting.  Case changes daily.   He is constantly learning new things and more quickly now.  Not a day goes by where Dane and I aren't blown away by how amazing and intelligent he is.  We love our Case!

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